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Table of Contents

Chapter 01 - Introduction

1.1 Working From Home: The Possible Health Benefits

1.2 Working From Home: The Health Risks

1.3 What You Will Learn

Chapter 02 – Create your ‘Smart’ Lifestyle Design

Digital Nomad? Or Digital Homebody

Chapter 03 - Set-Up your Work Culture

3.1 Your Work Environment

3.2 Setting Up a 'Mobile Command Center'

3.3 Creating Your Home Office

3.4 Some Health Tips for Working at a Computer

Chapter 04 – Staying Discipline

4.1 Accepting Work

4.2 Choosing Clients

4.3 Revenue Streams

4.4 Targets

4.5 Systems

4.6 Hypothesis Testing

4.7 Your Personal Life

Chapter 05 - Optimizing Performance, Health and Productivity

5.1 Optimizing Sleep

5.2 Exercise

5.3 Nutrition

5.4 Introducing Kaizen


Business and Life Transformation

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