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Dietary supplements and fluid metabolites


These preparations will be required urgently, and although the amounts per animal will be much less than those required in cattle, it is likely that several animals will be affected. Therefore, the author advises that a similar range and quantity as for cattle are carried, as follows:

• Anivit 4BC Injection: thiamine 35 mg/ml, riboflavin 0.5 mg/ml, pyridoxine 7 mg/ml, nicotinamide 23 mg/ml and ascorbic acid 70 mg/ml; 5-10 ml/sheep im, iv or sub cut daily. Zero meat and milk withhold.

• Anivit B12: vitamin B12 250 mcg/ml; 1-3 ml/adult im or sub cut. Repeat in 7 days. Zero meat and milk withhold.

• Calciject 20 CMD: calcium 5.92 g/ml, magnesium 1.84 g/ml and glucose 80 g/ml; 50-80 ml/sheep sub cut. Zero meat and milk withhold.

• Duphafral Extravite: thiamine 35 mg/ml, riboflavin 0.5 mg/ml, pyridoxine 7.0 mg/ml, nicotinamide 23 mg/ml and ascorbic acid 70 mg/ml; 5-10 ml/sheep im, iv or sub cut. Zero meat and milk withhold.

• Duphafral Multivitamin 9: retinol 15,000 IU/ml, cholecalciferol 25 mcg/ml, alpha-tocopheryl acetate 20 mg/ml, thiamine 10 mg/ml, riboflavin 5 mg/ml, pyridox-ine 3 mg/ml, nicotinamide 35 mg/ml, dexpanthenol 25 mg/ml and cyanocobalamin 25 mcg/ml; 5-10 ml per adult (lambs 2-5 ml) im or sub cut repeated in 10-14 days. Meat withhold 28 days. Milk withhold zero.

• Forketos Oral Solution for Cattle and Sheep: propylene glycol 80% v/v and cobalt sulfate heptahydrate 0.1 % w/v; 2 ml/kg (maximum dose 120 ml) orally, repeated in 8 h. Zero meat and milk withhold.

• Glucose 40%: glucose 40% w/v; 1 mg/kg iv repeat in 6 h. Zero meat and milk withhold.

• Intravit 12: cyanobalamin 0.5 g/ml; 0.5-1.5 ml/sheep im or sub cut. Zero meat and milk withhold.

• Ketol: propylene glycol 0.8 ml + mineral glycerophosphates, choline, cobalt, iodine; 115 ml orally daily for several days. Zero meat and milk withhold.

• Lectade Powder for Oral Solution: glycine 6.18 g, citric acid 0.48 g, potassium citrate 0.12 g, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 4.08 g and sodium chloride 8.58 g in sachet A; glucose 44.61 g in sachet B; add both sachets to 2 l water; lambs 150-200 ml orally 2-4 times daily. Zero meat withhold.

• Liquid Life-Aid: concentrated aqueous solution for dilution with 11.5 times its own volume of water; 160 ml to be given orally 3-6 times a day. Zero meat withhold.

• Magniject Injection: magnesium sulfate 25% w/v; 75 ml/sheep as a single injection sub cut. Zero meat withhold.

• Multivitamin Injection: vitamin A 15,000 IU/ml, vitamin D 25 mcg/ml, vitamin E 20 mg/ml, vitamin B1 10 mg/ml, vitamin B2 5 mg/ml, vitamin B6 3 mg/ml, nicotinamide 35 mg/ml, dexpanthenol 25 mg/ml and vitamin B12 25 mcg/ml; 5-10 ml per adult (2-5 ml per lamb) im or sub cut, repeated in 10-14 days. Meat withhold 28 days. Zero milk withhold.

• Vitbee 250: vitamin B12 0.025% w/v; 1-3 ml/sheep im or sub cut. Zero meat and milk withhold.

• Vitesel: alpha-tocopheryl acetate 68 mg/ml and potassium selenate 1.5 mg/ml; 2 ml/45 kg sub cut as a single injection to ewes, 0.5 ml to newborn lambs and 1 ml to older lambs either im or sub cut to be repeated in 2-4 weeks. Zero meat withhold for lambs but 28 days for ewes.

Farm Animal Medicine and Surgery

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