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About the author

Greg Simpson has been a journalist, a marketing director of a £30m turnover business and worked in two large PR agencies for clients that have ranged from multinational PLCs, to charities, not-for-profits and start-ups.

His frustration with a lack of transparency in the PR industry and its frequent ‘smoke and mirrors’ approach led him to quit big agency life and invest his years of experience into his own PR consultancy, Press For Attention PR.

Since its launch in 2008, Greg has sought to blend the skills and experience he gained from working with some of the biggest brands and organisations in the UK, with a straightforward and streamlined approach to PR that allows even the smallest budgets to compete for share of voice in a noisy market. True to his open approach and determination to help others lacking in resource, Greg also established a regular, free “PR Clinic” for business and management graduates at Nottingham University.

Just four years later, in spring 2012, Greg was introducing a client (a 24-year-old entrepreneur he met at one of his PR clinics) and his guest, Sir Richard Branson, to the national business press at the UK’s biggest ever business show.

Greg introduces PR master and business legend Sir Richard Branson to the national media

PR isn’t all about big ideas and even bigger budgets, champagne launches and celebrity endorsements. Greg helps his clients to get the foundations of a solid PR campaign in place right from the start, so that their messages will be heard loud and clear when it is time to shout them from the rooftops!

The Small Business Guide to PR

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