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This book is your opportunity to put an hour of your day to good use.

There are plenty of great books out there which introduce PR as a concept and discipline in marketing but not many that help you to actually have a tangible return on your investment – both in terms of the initial purchase and the reading time.

My goal is to show you, in plain English, how to create, manage and execute your own bespoke PR campaign in just ten hours. I will guide you through the same process that I use to create professional and hugely effective PR campaigns.

Think about that for a moment.

If today is Monday, by a week on Friday you will be looking back and reviewing what happened in the last fortnight and looking forward to seeing your company’s cause in lights.

Over the next ten chapters, or days, you will get to grips with what makes a good story, learn how to contact journalists and build working relationships that get stronger with each new story.

You will discover, step-by-step, how to craft a press release, how to devise and then weave your key messages into your campaign and ultimately how to ensure that what you are doing with your PR is contributing to your overall marketing strategy.

By Day 7, you will be unlocking the secrets of the professionals by spending a day in both camps – the journalist and the PR consultant. Find out what it takes to give your story the edge over the hundreds of others competing for attention.

Discover how to get your story to stand out from the crowd through the use of clever photography – begin to think in pictures as you learn how to become an asset to your target media, working more as a content partner than as a desperate purveyor of press releases.

This book will show you how to create a PR campaign that delivers measurable, strategic results for your business and can also be refined and improved every time you return to it. It will show you how to set measurable goals and evaluate the success of your campaign right from the start.

By the end of this ten-hour plan you will understand how to create a simple PR strategy that evolves with your business and fits in with the way you work.

Finally, remember to have fun! PR offers a huge variety of ways for you to communicate with your target audience. This book will help you to discover inspirational ideas that will have you raring to go with your own PR campaign and all in the space of ten hours.

The Small Business Guide to PR

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