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Who this book is for

Quite simply, anyone who wants to be able to have something to show for their PR efforts.

I use the word “effort” here because this book has been written for those who take action. I could write ten books on PR theory and you could read them all and still not have anything to show for it afterwards – other than less room on your bookshelves.

I want you to be able to look back in ten days or even ten hours and see what you have achieved.

So, who are you?

You could be a PA at a mid-size manufacturing business, the MD of a new start-up, a marketing executive in a law firm, a business development manager for a construction business, a community liaison officer for a charity or an events manager for a not-for-profit. You may well be studying business at university or college and feel that you need a good primer on PR.

The job titles above are not random. They belong to six people that I have helped in the last six months, with me either becoming their PR director or their PR coach.

Ultimately, it simply does not matter who is reading this. The common factors I find with countless people that I speak to about PR are:




What is it? What can it do? What can’t it do? Is it right for me? How much time must I invest? How much will it cost? What’s the point?

What I have tried to do with this book is quite simply cut to the chase: I know what works.

This book makes no attempt to be a complete guide to PR. Instead, it is your chance to get straight down to business, to use your precious time to your best advantage and to crack on with a well thought-out, structured PR campaign which gives you a fantastic chance at getting results from your efforts.

Just a chance, Greg?

Sorry, yes.

There are no guarantees.

I don’t know what stories you are going to come up with (or perhaps try to get away with), I can’t be sure that you will implement my approach as I advocate and I don’t know that you will put the time aside to really have a proper run at this. You may already be skimming this part of the book (come on, admit it, you were a bit!). But I will guarantee that if you do give this your best shot – and I am only asking for ten hours of your life – you will begin to see the fruits of your labour far, far quicker than if you went at your next PR campaign without a plan.

So what are we waiting for? Day 1 beckons. This isn’t Day 1 you know...you are probably reading this bit on the bus or whilst you eat a sandwich. If you are, tell me what it is on Twitter using #PRsandwich – it’s all a lot of people seem to talk about on there anyway! For the record, I’ve just polished off a classic cheese and onion – @PRin10Days.

The Small Business Guide to PR

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