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Vinyasa Four


Exhaling, take the leg out to the right side while shifting the gaze to the left. It is important to do this movement without raising the right hip. Beginners can achieve this by first laterally rotating the thigh, which encourages the hip to drop but lifts the right heel into the center.

Once the leg is out to the side, the thigh can be rotated medially to turn the heel back down. The foot is taken out to the side as far as possible and the right hip joint worked open. The aim is to bring both hip joints and the right foot into one plane, which provides a maximum stretch for the right adductor muscle group (see figure 17, page 101). This is a perfect preparatory warm-up for the next posture, Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana. The stretching of the adductors is a safety precaution for the knees, necessary for all lotus and half-lotus postures. Hold this vinyasa also for five breaths.

Ashtanga Yoga

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