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Vinyasa Fourteen


Exhale into Downward Dog.

We are now ready to jump through to sitting for the next posture.


Different Foot Positions in Forward Bending

There are three different foot positions for forward bends. In the first, the foot is flexed (dorsal flexed), which means that the upper side of the foot is drawn toward the shin. This position can be used for the less intense type of forward bends — for postures where the hamstrings do not bear the weight of the torso, such as Dandasana and Marichyasana C.14

The second foot position, the one used in Pashimottanasana, is between pointing and flexing. To achieve this, first extend out through the heels and then through the bases of all the toes. Keeping the feet flexed in Pashimottanasana is one of the main sources of hamstring injuries. This second foot position is also chosen in other semi-intense forward bends like Ardha Baddha Padma Pashimottanasana, Triang Mukha Ekapada Pashimottanasana, Janushirshasana, and, very important, in Upavishta Konasana.

The third foot position is to have the feet pointed (called plantar flexion, which means that the surface of the foot draws away from the shin). Pointing the feet gives maximum protection to the hamstrings. This position is employed in the most intense group of forward bends, which includes Hanumanasana, Trivikramasana, Tittibhasana, and Vasishtasana.

Ashtanga Yoga

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