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Full Vinyasa versus Half Vinyasa


With the full-vinyasa system, one returns to Samasthiti (the basic standing posture) between each and every asana. The format I learned from Shri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore was the half-vinyasa system. This has one return to Samasthiti between different standing postures but transiting from one sitting posture to the next without coming to standing. This approach appears to be the more common one today.

It can be advisable to practice full vinyasa for some time to improve strength and stamina, for example after recovery from disease or to speed up metabolism. The full-vinyasa approach has an intensified flushing effect and can stimulate a sluggish liver. Although full vinyasa is more work, it also allows time for the practitioner “to come up for air” so to speak, and may actually de-intensify a practice. It certainly does eventually repay the energy expended. However, as a long-term practice it may be difficult to sustain.

Ashtanga Yoga

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