Читать книгу Ashtanga Yoga - Gregor Maehle - Страница 34

Surya Namaskara A



Drishti Thumbs, nose, navel

Surya Namaskara means Sun Salutation. It is traditionally done facing east, to greet the rising sun. Surya, the sun, is worshiped in many cultures as the giver of life; so too in India. The Sun Salutation is a warm-up exercise that is done a number of times to improve cardiovascular fitness. Surya Namaskara A is usually repeated five times, but more can be done on cold days, less in extreme heat — until the body feels awake and balanced. This sequence of asanas is also practiced to alleviate depression. It is said to bring health and vitality to the body and sunlight to the spirit.

Ashtanga Yoga

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