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Identify Your Strengths


Think of a time in the past when you encountered a situation that was challenging or downright difficult, but you ended up successfully achieving your goal. Take a minute to close your eyes and breathe slowly and gently. As you calm down, it becomes easier to identify your strengths. Let yourself drift back to an earlier time in your life when you overcame a big challenge.

Remember as many details as possible about the obstacles you faced. Now, review everything you did to attain your goal. As you reflect, try to identify the skills and abilities, both mental and physical, that helped you succeed. Don't be shy or modest. Feel free to acknowledge all the positive attributes that you were able to bring to bear on the problem you faced. If it is hard for you to see your own strengths, ask your friends, family, or coworkers. They are in a position to be open and honest about your strengths.

There seems to be a direct correlation between being centered and feeling confident about your strengths. If you are ungrounded, you may be temporarily blinded to your strengths. Some people perceive themselves as so weak that the very mention of personal strength evokes grief and shame. On the contrary, the more grounded you become, the greater your personal power becomes. The fact is that we all have strengths, and when we are calm, we can call upon those strengths more easily and build upon them to achieve our goals. For example, some of Dr. Weisberg's patients become so grounded and adept at self-hypnosis that they can undergo surgery using only a very small amount of anesthesia. Their centered concentration is so focused that they can voluntarily shut off the feelings in the nerves near the site of the operation.

As you review your personal resources, have something to write with nearby and list all the strengths and skills you used. Take that list and keep it in a safe place. Refer back to this list frequently as you participate in the CORE program, as you'll be using these same strengths and skills.

The following example illustrates how you can use this valuable exercise to identify your strengths and resources for healing.

Trust Your Gut

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