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2 Observe Your Gut


You ever notice when your stomach begins a conversation with you, you're always in a silent place like the dentist's office … it even starts talking in complete sentences.

—George Carlin, comedian

When your gut starts talking, you need to listen before you react. The very act of paying attention to what your gut is saying helps to break the automatic neurohormonal feedback loop of gut distress. When a person with chronic gut issues is running on automatic, each intestinal gurgle or twinge sets off alarm bells in the brain. When the main brain is in alarm mode, stress hormones are sent to the gut, prompting all the symptoms you dread: cramps, pain, bloating, and diarrhea. Now your gut is not just talking to you, it is shouting—but you still don't understand. It's like a foreigner who is trying to tell you something important, but he doesn't speak your language. He tries speaking louder as if that will help you understand. It doesn't work to ignore him; he just gets more agitated because he truly has something important to tell you, but you don't know how to listen!

As a gut sufferer, you are in this very position. Your gut is trying to speak, but you can't understand what it's trying to say; the messages are garbled. But your gut keeps trying to be heard. Each cry is louder and more urgent than the last. Finally the messages become too obnoxious and painful to bear. You become frustrated and anxious and just want to stop all the belly aching. You look for pills and other remedies to silence the beast within you. You just want it to shut up and quit bothering you.

Learn the language of the gut.

However, you have learned by now that the belly aching never stops because your gut insists on being heard. Ignoring the pain doesn't make it go away. Instead, we want you to learn the language of the gut. Gut distress symptoms are like emails tagged “urgent” that your body sends to your conscious mind.

Trust Your Gut

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