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Our Global Examples


Each of the people we write about in this book is a global leader; by definition, he or she possesses all the characteristics we identify in chapter 1 as necessary to qualify as a global leader.2 In most cases, however, we discuss each leader in a specific context in which he or she displayed one characteristic in a particularly inspiring or instructive way. This is simply a function of convenience, not a reflection of the balance of leadership capabilities that person possesses.

It is important to recognize, however, that every global leader—regardless of age or experience or skill level—is always engaged at some level in ongoing self-development. Global leadership skills take a long time to develop, and the path is not straight. On the contrary, it can double on itself, forcing the leader to relearn old lessons for a new situation. The global leaders we profile showed impressive skill at a particular time in a particular context, but that does not mean they are infallible. Being global is kind of like being a black belt in karate: earning the belt requires a great deal of focus, discipline, and ongoing practice, and keeping the belt requires the same. Many martial arts disciplines treat the black belt as a starting point or foundation upon which you build for the rest of your life. Any decrease in commitment, a switch to tennis, or even a new sparring partner can all knock you back down.

There are, of course, benefits to falling. It may be tough on the ego, but the different view can reveal where you are and where you still need to go. Consider this book a hand—we'll help you up and show you the way to go. How you continue, of course, is up to you.

We start you on the path in chapter 1 with an overview of global leadership—what it is, why it is so necessary, and what characteristics global leaders possess. We then follow with three chapters that delve in detail into the three core characteristics of global leaders. In the conclusion, we highlight the ongoing work you can do to develop your global leadership skills. The key to this book, and to everything in it, is a deep belief that while you may not have been born a global leader, you can become one. It is up to you.

Being Global

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