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Global Leaders Can Be Made: Learning to Connect, Create, and Contribute

In 2007, Israeli-born Shai Agassi abandoned his position as the heir apparent of the global software giant SAP AG. He left to pursue a vision of environmentally friendly electric vehicles—an entire world of cars and charging stations, as well as the supply and regulatory infrastructure needed for an electric car to flourish in a gasoline-dominated automotive market. If successful, Agassi's approach would offer a transportation alternative that does not drain the earth's limited supply of fossil fuels or stuff the atmosphere full of greenhouse gases. He also plans to make a lot of money for investors and create thousands of jobs.

Agassi is not an inventor or a government official. He doesn't have any distinct expertise in mechanical engineering or manufacturing, and he doesn't have the power to change transportation regulations or energy policy. What Agassi does have is a set of skills in much shorter supply than any of these resources or assets. Like the rest of the individuals we introduce throughout this book, Agassi is a global leader.

Being Global

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