Читать книгу Being Global - Gregory Unruh - Страница 17

Global Mindset


Leaders who possess a global mindset are able to interpret, analyze, and decode situations from a variety of perspectives to identify the best route to successful collaboration in a multicultural environment. A global mindset arises through the development of three different types of personal capital: global psychological capital, global intellectual capital, and global social capital.

Leaders with significant global psychological capital have the cognitive ability to analyze situations from multiple, even competing, points of view. They have a driving interest in learning about other people's perspectives and are capable of suspending their own judgment in order to more subjectively understand a particular situation.

Global intellectual capital develops in leaders who dedicate time and effort to learning about different parts of the world. Leaders with such capital have strong knowledge of economic and political issues around the world, and they can grasp the inherent complexities of international affairs from multiple national perspectives. Global leaders also recognize how these international trends and events have an impact on their industry and are aware of the major risks and potential rewards involved in operating in various regions.

Global social capital accrues to people whose social networks of friends, colleagues, and contacts stretch beyond one nation or region. Those in possession of strong global social capital display an unusual ability to connect emotionally and communicate effectively with individuals from different cultural backgrounds. They have tact and know how to listen and assimilate multiple viewpoints when making decisions.

Being Global

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