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ADAnno Domini (Latin, ‘In the year of our Lord’; year 1 and forwards)Aug.Augustb.bornbap.baptizedBCBefore Christ (before year 1 and backwards)BPBefore PresentCcentralc.about (Latin circa)d.diedd.pence (Latin denarius/denarii)Dec.DecemberEeastEECEuropean Economic Communityest.estimatedEUEuropean UnionFeb.Februaryfl.flourishedFr.Frenchftfoot or feethahectare or hectaresHMSHis (or Her) Majesty’s ShipJan.Januarykmkilometre or kilometresNnorthmmetre or metresMEMiddle Englishmimile or milesMPMember of Parliament, referring 14th century—1707 to the English Parliament (including Wales from 1544); 1707—1800 to the British Parliament; 1801—1922 to the UK Parliament (for Great Britain and Ireland); from 1922 to the UK Parliament (for Great Britain and Northern Ireland)MtMountNnorthNATONorth Atlantic Treaty OrganisationNov.NovemberOct.OctoberOEOld EnglishOFr.Old FrenchOIr.Old IrishpopnpopulationR.RiverSsouths.shilling or shillings (Latin solidus/solidi)Sept.SeptembersqsquareStSaintTDTeachta Dála (officially ‘Deputy to the Dáil’, the lower house of the Irish Parliament)USUnited StatesUSAUnited States of AmericaUSSRUnion of Soviet Socialist RepublicsWwest

A Dictionary of British and Irish History

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