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In addition to the Advisers and Contributors listed on previous pages, we are indebted to numerous people for assistance of various kinds. In the first instance we wish to acknowledge former and current members of staff at the publishers, particularly the late John Davey who commissioned the book, Tessa Harvey who long provided wise counsel, and Ajith Kumar who advised on production‐related matters. We are especially grateful to Jennifer Manias for encouragement and help during the final stages of preparation.
We wish to express thanks too for comments on draft entries and other kinds of support from the following: Dr Kate Adcock, Dr Virginia Bainbridge, Professor Jeremy Black, Professor Paul Brand, Kevin Brown, Dr Beatrice Clayre, Professor Peter Coss, the late Michael Crosby, the late Professor R.R. Davies, Charles Dickerson, Dr Rosamond Faith, Dr Dorian Gerhold, Alan Godwin, Dr Matthew Grimley, Professor Steven Gunn, Dr Andrew Hegarty, Arkady Hodge, Revd Dr Gordon Jeanes, David Lane, the late Aidan Lawes, Dr Chris Lewis, Revd Raymond and Joan Moody, Professor Richard Moore‐Colyer, Dr Pamela Nightingale, Professor Nicholas Orme, Bernard and May Peberdy, Ian and Linda Peberdy, Dr Max Peberdy, Dr David Pelteret, Professor Carl and Dr Gill Petrokofsky, Professor Charles Phythian‐Adams, Dr Nigel Ramsay, the late Dr J.M. Roberts, the late Professor Jack Simmons, Dr Graham Speake, John and Elaine Steane, Rosalind Tolson, Peter Truesdale, Jane Waller, Dr Peter Watson, Dr Elizabeth Wells, Dr Hilary Davan Wetton, Professor Chris Wickham, Roger Willson, the late Patrick Wormald. We are also grateful to the staff of the Bodleian Library in Oxford, particularly at the History and Law libraries, and thank Holly Regan‐Jones for checking the text and Giles Darkes for composing the maps.