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Types of shock


 There are four different types of shock: cardiogenic, distributive, hypovolemic, and obstructive. Mixed forms of shock can also occur.

 Table 12.1 shows the typical hemodynamic changes seen with each type of shock, but individual clinical situations often involve more complicated physiologic determinations.

Table 12.1 Different forms of shock states.

Cardiac output Heart rate Stroke volume Systemic vascular resistance Venous pressure(PCWP/CVP)
Distributive (i.e. sepsis, anaphylaxis, neurogenic shock) (occasionally impaired) (occasionally decreased) Normal or
Obstructive(i.e. pulmonary embolus, pericardial tamponade, tension pneumothorax) Normal or (increased inpericardial tamponade)
Mount Sinai Expert Guides

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