Читать книгу Autoimmune Liver Disease - Группа авторов - Страница 58

Regulatory Dendritic Cells


DCs are potent professional APCs with the dual roles of initiating adaptive immune responses against deleterious antigens and maintaining immunologic homeostasis by inducing antigen‐specific tolerance in the periphery [13]. Only immature DCs exhibit regulatory functions, and immature DCs are concentrated in the liver. Immunosuppressive cytokines or drugs, microbial products, interactions with Tregs or NKT cells, and phagocytosis of apoptotic blebs activate regulatory DCs (DCregs). DCreg presentation of peptide antigens to CD4 and CD8 T cells contributes to antigen‐specific tolerance by inducing T‐cell anergy, inhibiting T‐cell function, promoting generation of iTregs, and enhancing T‐cell apoptosis.

Autoimmune Liver Disease

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