Читать книгу Indoor Photovoltaics - Группа авторов - Страница 29

2.6 Atomic Batteries


Atomic batteries use the energy of the decay of a radioactive isotope. This energy is converted to electrical energy by different types of generators, such as thermoelectric or optical. Therefore, these systems can be defined as semi-ambient systems. The applied radioisotopes, such as Plutonium-238, are unstable. Their resulting continuous heat emission is used for electric conversion. In the early seventies, some implanted pacemakers were powered by radioisotope batteries based on Plutonium-238 and a TEG. About ten years later, Lithium-ion batteries superseded atomic pacemakers. Lal and coworkers demonstrated the excitation of a piezoelectric converter with radioisotopes [41]. Currently, atomic batteries have their main application field in space. A review on the topic has been published by Kumar [42].

Indoor Photovoltaics

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