Читать книгу Gian Vittorio Rossi's Eudemiae libri decem - Группа авторов - Страница 10
Gian Vittorio RossiRossi, Gian Vittorio: vita
Оглавление1577 | Born in Rome. |
ca. 1582–94 | Educated at the Jesuit Collegio Romano. |
1596 | Completes studies in the law. |
ca. 1598–1602 | Legal apprenticeship under Lepido Piccolomini. |
ca. 1602 | Joins the Academia Humoristarum (Accademia degli Umoristi). |
1603 | Publishes first work, titled Orationes novem (Romae: Apud Aloysium Zannettum). |
1607–8 | Works in the Secretariat of Latin Briefs under Marcello Vestrio, Secretary of Latin Briefs for Pope Paul V. |
1610–1623 | Employed as private secretary (a studiis) to Alessandro Damasceni Peretti di Montalto. |
1626 | Meets Fabio Chigi for the first time, at a gathering of the Accademia degli Umoristi. |
ca. 1630 | Moves to the Janiculum Hill neighborhood of Rome retiring to a life of study and writing. |
1637 | Publishes Eudemiae libri VIII ([Leiden]: [Bonaventure and Abraham Elzevier]). |
1641 | Begins friendship and correspondence with Fabio Chigi, which lasts until his death. |
ca. 1644 | Moves to the Monte Mario neighborhood of Rome. |
1645 | Publishes Eudemiae libri decem (Coloniae Ubiorum [i.e., Amsterdam]: Apud Iodocum Kalcovium [i.e., Joan Blaeu]). |
1647 | Dies in Rome on November 13 and is buried at the church he founded on Monte Mario dedicated to Santa Maria della Febbre e del Rosario. |
Fig. 1:
Engraved portrait of Gian Vittorio RossiRossi, Gian Vittorio. Iani Nicii Erythraei Eudemiae libri decem. Coloniae Ubiorum [i.e., Amsterdam]: Apud Iodocum Kalcovium [i.e., Joan BlaeuBlaeu, Joan] [1645]. Soc 950.36, Houghton Library, Harvard University.
Fig. 2:
Ottavio Leoni, “Portrait of a Young Man” (1607–1612). Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett, KdZ 17153. Proposed identification as Gian Vittorio RossiRossi, Gian Vittorio by Riccardo Gandolfi (Primarosa 2017: 381).