Читать книгу Gian Vittorio Rossi's Eudemiae libri decem - Группа авторов - Страница 10

Gian Vittorio RossiRossi, Gian Vittorio: vita

1577 Born in Rome.
ca. 1582–94 Educated at the Jesuit Collegio Romano.
1596 Completes studies in the law.
ca. 1598–1602 Legal apprenticeship under Lepido Piccolomini.
ca. 1602 Joins the Academia Humoristarum (Accademia degli Umoristi).
1603 Publishes first work, titled Orationes novem (Romae: Apud Aloysium Zannettum).
1607–8 Works in the Secretariat of Latin Briefs under Marcello Vestrio, Secretary of Latin Briefs for Pope Paul V.
1610–1623 Employed as private secretary (a studiis) to Alessandro Damasceni Peretti di Montalto.
1626 Meets Fabio Chigi for the first time, at a gathering of the Accademia degli Umoristi.
ca. 1630 Moves to the Janiculum Hill neighborhood of Rome retiring to a life of study and writing.
1637 Publishes Eudemiae libri VIII ([Leiden]: [Bonaventure and Abraham Elzevier]).
1641 Begins friendship and correspondence with Fabio Chigi, which lasts until his death.
ca. 1644 Moves to the Monte Mario neighborhood of Rome.
1645 Publishes Eudemiae libri decem (Coloniae Ubiorum [i.e., Amsterdam]: Apud Iodocum Kalcovium [i.e., Joan Blaeu]).
1647 Dies in Rome on November 13 and is buried at the church he founded on Monte Mario dedicated to Santa Maria della Febbre e del Rosario.

Fig. 1:

Engraved portrait of Gian Vittorio RossiRossi, Gian Vittorio. Iani Nicii Erythraei Eudemiae libri decem. Coloniae Ubiorum [i.e., Amsterdam]: Apud Iodocum Kalcovium [i.e., Joan BlaeuBlaeu, Joan] [1645]. Soc 950.36, Houghton Library, Harvard University.

Fig. 2:

Ottavio Leoni, “Portrait of a Young Man” (1607–1612). Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett, KdZ 17153. Proposed identification as Gian Vittorio RossiRossi, Gian Vittorio by Riccardo Gandolfi (Primarosa 2017: 381).

Gian Vittorio Rossi's Eudemiae libri decem

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