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2.19.2 Zoonotic Diseases


Zoonotic diseases are those that can pass between people and animals (see 4.3 Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases). These can be microbes, viruses or parasites. Clients are often shocked to learn that the worms in their puppy's or kitten's intestines can be passed to themselves or their children. People with compromised immune systems and children are most at risk from getting sick from their animals. Worms are just one example of parasites that can affect people. External parasites like fleas, ticks, and mites can also be transmitted to people. Viruses and bacteria can also be shared between people and animals. Veterinary staff need to be aware of these potential risks and encourage owners to practice good habits that prevent transfer of disease. Simple habits such as good hand washing and keeping animal wastes out of children's play areas are helpful for clients to learn from the VHT. Regular visits to a veterinary clinic for deworming and flea and tick control medications should be encouraged. Healthy animals are much less likely to transmit diseases and parasites.

For the VHT to be effective, clients should be asked appropriate questions that might uncover connections. Open‐ended questions to be posed might include:

 How is everyone else in the family feeling?

 Have you had any visiting pets or people?

 Has your pet been anywhere other than home?

 Where does your pet eliminate and how do you manage his (her) waste?

More important is what the VHT does with the answers given by clients. The workplace should have resources available to help team members make appropriate recommendations and provide education to clients. Table 2.19.1 contains some resources for educational material.

Table 2.19.1 One Health resources

Resource URL
Centers for Disease Control: One Health www.cdc.gov/onehealth/
Public Health England: Zoonotic diseases www.gov.uk/government/publications/list‐of‐zoonotic‐diseases/list‐of‐zoonotic‐diseases
Centers for Disease Control: Zoonotic Diseases www.cdc.gov/ncezid
Herp Care Collection: Zoonotic Diseases www.anapsid.org/worell.html
Centers for Disease Control: Antibiotic Use www.cdc.gov/antibiotic‐use
AVMA Wildlife Decision Tree www.avma.org/resources‐tools/one‐health/wildlife‐decision‐tree
FDA Safe Food Handling www.fda.gov/Food/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/ucm255180.htm
Centers for Disease Control: Healthy Pets, Healthy People www.cdc.gov/healthypets/index.html
Pet-Specific Care for the Veterinary Team

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