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2.19.5 Special Consideration for Exotic Pets and Wildlife


Clients with a love for exotic pets pose a unique challenge for VHTs. Some clients enjoy the uniqueness of owning unusual animals, including buying, selling, and breeding them. If the VHT is going to serve these clients, they need to educate themselves on the unique threats some of these species hold for people, including an increased risk of Salmonella, the threat of foreign animal diseases from newly imported animals, and handling the unique diets required by some. By understanding the unique issues these pets and clients have, team members can make handling, housing, and quarantine recommendations.

Wildlife poses a unique threat to pets and people. Some interactions cannot be anticipated but the most common threats come from clients with big hearts! As animal lovers, clients are often the first people to offer safe havens to stray pets and injured wildlife. If clients contact the veterinary office for advice, VHTs must be ready with references and safety advice. Wildlife often carry internal and external parasites that are potential threats to both humans and pets. Pets should be kept from “meeting” visiting wildlife or stray animals. In addition, team members should advise clients to safely transfer the wildlife to skilled, licensed rehabilitators. Sometimes, government laws dictate who can house and help wildlife.

Pet-Specific Care for the Veterinary Team

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