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Significance and Need for this Work


Bravery is what is required to share these stories. This book comes forward in challenging times for immigrants in the US. Different segments from the immigrant community face unique challenges. Some of the most noteworthy issues include: the US ban of citizens from eight countries—most of which are majority-Muslim—from entering the US; reduction of refugee admissions to the lowest levels since the creation of the resettlement program in 1980; and relentless and continued attempts to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, affecting 800,000 immigrants brought to the US as minor children. Advocates for immigrants say they still haven't found the parents of 545 minors who were separated from their families starting three years ago during President Trump’s immigration crackdown at the US-Mexico border.

Now more than ever, Green Card Voices and other organizations that help share the stories of immigrants have a role to play to expand our understanding of the immigrant experience and to highlight the contributions made by this powerful community of individuals. To uphold our country’s founding principles of liberty, justice, equality, and dignity for all, we must remember that with diverse newcomers come growth and opportunity.

We hope that this book inspires a spirit of openness and inclusion, which have been the cornerstone of our country. We believe sharing stories is a powerful tool that can help us reach the goal of a fully-integrated and compassionate society. Stories not only empower the teller, whose life experiences and unique contributions become valuable and validated through sharing, but also educate the broader public and help us to see how we all share the experience of being human. These young authors, whose life experiences are unique and whose contributions are so meaningful become valuable and validated through sharing—through this project we help others “see” and “know” them. We hope you will be as moved as we are by the stories in this book. These writers came to the US—much like generations of immigrants and Americans have before—seeking a place where they could breathe the free air, live life with dignity, and enjoy equal justice under the law. It is our job to build a society of compassion and hope, worthy to be the garden in which their treasured dreams can grow. We hope that reading about the memories, realities, and hopes of these thirty young people will inspire you. Their courage shows that the future of New York—and indeed of the United States of America—is in good hands.

Dr. Tea Rozman Clark, Green Card Voices, Minneapolis, MN

Jennifer Raponi, Mid-West Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network, Rochester, NY

Mike Duffy, West Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network, Buffalo, NY

1 Wilson M., McKinley J, Ferré-Sadurní L., Closson T. and Sarah Maslin Nir (Sept. 4, 2020, updated Oct. 8, 2020). Daniel Prude’s Death: Police Silence and Accusations of a Cover-Up. Retrieved from: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/04/nyregion/rochester-police-daniel-prude.html

2 Douglass, F. (January 28, 2007). 1867 Frederick Douglass Describes the 'Composite Nation.’ Retrieved from: https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/speeches-african-american-history/1869-frederick-douglass-describes-composite-nation/

3 Welker, Glenn (Updated July 31, 2020). Iroquois Literature. Retrieved from: https://www.indigenouspeople.net/iroquois.htm

4 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (August 2019). International Migration Stock 2019. Retrieved from: https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/migration/data/estimates2/docs/MigrationStockDocumentation_2019.pdf

5 The Rochester Central Public Library (2016). Local History and Genealogy. Rochester’s Immigrants, Research Guide. Retrieved from: https://roccitylibrary.org/wp-content/uploads/Rochester-Immigrants-Final.pdf

6 Ibid.

7 Gibson, C. and Jung K. (February, 2006). Historical Census Statistics of the Forign-born Population of the United States: 1850 to 2000. Working Paper No. 81. Retrieved from: https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/working-papers/2006/demo/POP-twps0081.pdf

8 Smriti, J. (August 22, 2019). Rochester Beacon: Our City of Immigrants. Retrieved from: https://rochesterbeacon.com/2019/08/22/our-city-of-immigrants/

9 Ibid.

10 Ibid.

11 Ibid.

12 Teaman, R.M.: (February 1, 2008). Policy Brief Focuses on Recent Immigration in Upstate New York. University at Buffalo (UB) Regional Institute at State University of New York (SUNY) Buffalo. Retrieved from http://www.buffalo.edu/news/releases/2008/02/9123.html

13 Smriti, J. (August 22, 2019). Rochester Beacon: Our City of Immigrants. Retrieved from: https://rochesterbeacon.com/2019/08/22/our-city-of-immigrants/

14 Saylor, D.L. (2016, January). A Timeline of Immigration in Buffalo. Buffalo Spree. Retrieved from http://www.buffalospree.com/Buffalo-Spree/January-2016/A-city-of-immigrants-then-and-now/

15 Roselló, Pedro Luis Perea (April-June 1963). Santiago, Maria García; Vega, Pedro Malavey; González, José M. Novoa; Goyco, Edwin Toro (eds.). "Res communes omnium". Doctrina. Revista de Derecho Puertorriqueño. Printed in Spain: Imprenta vda. de Daniel Cochs—Cros. 23.—Barcelona (in Spanish). Ponce, Puerto Rico: Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law. 2 (8): 7–24. ISSN 0034-7930.

16 Saylor, D.L. (2016, January). A Timeline of Immigration in Buffalo. Buffalo Spree. Retrieved from http://www.buffalospree.com/Buffalo-Spree/January-2016/A-city-of-immigrants-then-and-now/

17 International Institute of Buffalo website (June 2020) Retrieved from https://iibuffalo.org/

18 The New York State Education Department (NYSED), Mid-West Region (2019). A Guide to Community-Based Organizations for Immigrants. Retrieved from http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/bilingual-ed/mid-west-cbo-list-v7-a.pdf

19 Spector, J. (March 23, 2018). After Hurricane Maria: Rochester Absorbs More Displaced Students Than Other New York Districts. Democrat and Chronicle. Retrieved from https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/politics/albany/2018/03/23/hurricane-maria-rochester-ny-puerto-rican-students/395305002/

20 Smriti, J. (August 22, 2019). Rochester Beacon: Our City of Immigrants. Rochester Beacon. Retrieved from: https://rochesterbeacon.com/2019/08/22/our-city-of-immigrants/

21 Murphy, J. (April 14, 2020). Latest RCSD Budget Proposal Closes Two More Schools, Slashes East Funding. Democrat and Chronicle. Retrieved from https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/education/2020/04/14/rcsd-budget-proposal-closes-two-schools-slashes-east-funding-special-education/2981855001/

Immigration Stories from Upstate New York High Schools

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