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Cawood, Sarah Højgaard and Sørensen, Anette Dina (2002). Ej blot til lyst – pornografi i et ligestillingsperspektiv (Not only for fun – pornography in a gender equality perspective). Copenhagen: Videnscenter for Ligestilling.

Foucault, Michel (1994)[1976]. Seksualitetens historie. Viljen til viden, bd. 1 (The history of sexuality: Will to knowledge, vol. 1). Copenhagen: Det lille Forlag.

Görlich, Anne and Kirkegaard, Line (2000). Historier om kærester og kærlighed: konstruktioner af heteroseksualitet (Stories of love affairs and love: constructions of hetero sexuality). Copenhagen: Gyldendal Uddannelse.

Hejgaard, Janne (2000). Kys og bolle – om følelser, kærlighed og sex (Kiss and fuck – about feelings, love and sex). Copenhagen: Alinea A/S.

Hertoft, Preben (1973). Du og det andet køn (You and the other sex). Copen hagen: Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck A/S.

Hertoft, Preben (1992). Køn, krop og kærlighed (Gender, body and love). Copenhagen: Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck.

Krog-Meyer, Monica (Ed.)(2002). Patter, pik og penge – pornoficering af det offentlige rum (Boobs, cock and money – pornofication of the public space). Copenhagen: Rosinante.

Kean, Katja (2002). Stjerne i syndens by, fortalt til Henrik List (Star in the town of sin, told to Henrik List). Copenhagen: Tiderne Skifter.

Madsen, Alex Nyborg (1995). Tænd lyset (Turn on the light). Copenhagen: Forlaget Parlando.

McNair, Brian (1996). Mediated sex – pornography & postmodern culture. London: Arnold.

McNair, Brian (2002). Striptease culture – sex, media and the democratization of desire. London: Routledge.

Thielst, Peter (2000). Kødets lyst – tankens list (The fun of the flesh – the craft of the mind). Copenhagen: Tiderne Skifter.

Thielst, Peter (2002). Den kløvede eros – essays om krop og seksualitet (The divided eros – essays about body and sexuality). Copenhagen: Tiderne Skifter.

Thing, Morten (1999). Pornografiens historie i Danmark (The history of pornography in Denmark). Copenhagen: Aschehoug.

Tjeck magazine (2002), Februar, no. 123.

Aaen, Casper, Linke, Brian and Lomholt, Marianne (2002). Parat til sex – om unges seksuelle adfærd (Ready for sex – on sexual behaviour of youth). Copenhagen: Foreningen Sex & Samfund og Gyldendal Uddannelse.

This article was published in a longer version: “‘Porn Chic’ – køn og mainstreaming af pornografi i massekulturen” (Porn Chic – gender and mainstreaming of pornography in the mass culture). In: Bibi Hølge-Hazelton (Ed) Perspektiver på ungdom & krop (Perspectives on youth and body). Roskilde: Roskilde Universitets Forlag 2003.

Generation P?

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