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Aagre, Willy (2006). Ungdom, pornografi og meningsskaping – en intervjuundersøkelse (Youth, pornography and meaning making). In: Anette Dina Sørensen and Susanne V. Knudsen (Eds) Unge, køn og pornografi i Norden. Kvalitative studier. (Youth, gender and pornography in the Nordic countries. Qualitative studies). Copenhagen: The Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2006:545.

Aagre, Willy and Sørensen, Rønnaug (2006). Gutters kollektive pornobruk – og jenters individuelle erfaringar (Boy’s collective consumptions of porn – and girl’s individual experiences), NIKK-magasin, pp. 26-28.

Cooper, Al, Månsson, Sven-Axel, Daneback, Kristian, Tikkanen, Ronny and Ross, Michael (2003). Predicting the future of Internet sexuality: The case of Sweden, Journal of Sexual and Relationship Therapy, pp. 277-291.

Dahl, Karin and Jacobsen, Bjørg (2006). Unge, køn og pornografi på Færøerne (Youth, gender and pornography on the Faroe Islands). In: Anette Dina Sørensen and Susanne V. Knudsen (Eds) Unge, køn og pornografi i Norden. Kvalitative studier (Youth, gender and pornography in the Nordic countries. Qualitative studies). Copenhagen: The Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2006:545.

Diamond, Milton (1997). Pornography, Rape and Sex Crimes in Japan: www.hawaii.edu/PCSS/.

Hald, Gert Martin (2006). Gender Differences in Pornography Consumption among Young Heterosexual Danish Adults, Archives of Sexual Behavior, pp. 577–585.

Hammarén, Nils and Johansson, Thomas (2002). Könsordning eller könsoordning. Ungdomens sexuella landskap (Gender order or disorder. The sexual landscape of youth). Rapport Nr. 2. Kungälv: Centrum för kulturstudier/Forum för studier av framtidskultur.

Hearn, Jeff and Jyrkinen, Marjut (2006a). “I could be talking about a porn flick” – Television-Internet Media Companies Policies and Practices. In: Anette Dina Sørensen and Susanne V. Knudsen (Eds) Unge, køn og pornografi i Norden. Mediestudier (Youth, gender and pornography in the Nordic countries. Media studies). Copenhagen: The Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2006:544.

Hearn, Jeff and Jyrkinen, Marjut (2006b). What’s on the telly?, NIKKmagasin, pp. 29-31.

Hirdman, Anja (2006a). Visuellt genus – Internet, självbilder och mediala representationer (Visual gender – internet, self-portraits and medial representations). In: Anette Dina Sørensen and Susanne V. Knudsen (Eds) Unge, køn og pornografi i Norden. Mediestudier (Youth, gender and pornography in the Nordic countries. Media studies). Copenhagen: The Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2006:544.

Hirdman, Anja (2006b). Ungdomars självbilder på Internet: Tjejer är kroppar – killar är ansikten (Self-representations by young people on the internet: Girls are bodies – Boys are faces), NIKKmagasin, pp. 23-25.

Häggström-Nordin, Elisabeth, Hansson, Ulf and Tydén, Tanja (2005a). Associations between pornography consumption and sexual practices among adolescents in Sweden, International Journal of STD and AIDS, pp. 102–107.

Häggström-Nordin, Elisabeth, Hansson, Ulf, Sandberg, Jonas and Tydén, Tanja (2005b). “It’s everywhere!” Thoughts and reflections about pornography among young people in Sweden, Journal of Caring Sciences, pp. 386–393.

Kjørholt, Vigdis Saga and Sørensen, Anette Dina (2006a) Generasjon XXX? Normalisering og kritikk av pornografi blant unge (Generation XXX. Normalization and criticism of pornography amongst young people), NIKKmagasin, pp. 4-7.

Kjørholt, Vigdis Saga and Sørensen, Anette Dina (2006b). Generation XXX. Normalization and Criticism of Pornography amongst Young People, NIKKmagasin, pp. 34-26.

Knudsen, Susanne V. (2006a). Betydning og brug af Internettet. Om gratis pornografi og selvrepræsentationer på Internettet i Norge (The meaning and the use of the internet. About pornography-for-free sites and self representation sites in Norway).

In: Anette Dina Sørensen and Susanne V. Knudsen (Eds) Unge, køn og pornografi i Norden. Mediestudier (Youth, gender and pornography in the Nordic countries. Media studies). Copenhagen: The Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2006:544.

Knudsen, Susanne V. (2006b). Hot, deilig eller not? (Hot, beautiful or not?), NIKK magasin, pp.17-19.

Kolbeins, Guôbjørg, Hildur (2006). Pornography and sex among adolescents in Iceland. In: Anette Dina Sørensen and Susanne V. Knudsen (Eds) Unge, køn og pornografi i Norden. Kvantitativa studier. (Youth, gender and pornography in the Nordic countries. Quantitative studies). Copenhagen: The Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2006:544.

Löfgren-Mårtenson, Lotta and Månsson, Sven-Axel (2006a). “Sex överallt, typ?!” Om unga och pornografi (“Sex everywhere!” On youth and pornography). Stockholm: Gothia.

Löfgren-Mårtenson, Lotta and Månsson, Sven-Axel (2006b). Different porn careers? Girl’s and Boy’s Porn Consumption, NIKK magasin, pp 37-39.

Löfgren-Mårtenson, Lotta and Månsson, Sven-Axel (2006c). Det pornografiska scriptet – om unga och pornografi (The pornographical script – about youth and pornography). In: Unge, køn og pornografi i Norden. Kvalitative studier (Youth, gender and pornography. Qualitative studies). Copenhagen: The Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2006:545.

Löfgren-Mårtenson, Lotta and Månsson, Sven-Axel (2006d). Skilda pornografikarriärer? Om tjejers och killars pornografikonsumtion (Different porn careers? On girls and boys consumption of pornography), NIKKmagasin, pp. 9-11.

Löfgren-Mårtenson, Lotta and Månsson, Sven-Axel (2006e). Porr inte längre tabu (Porn is no longer tabu), Socialpolitik.

McNair, Brian (2002). Striptease Culture. Sex. Media and the democratisation of desire. London: Routledge.

Månsson, Sven-Axel (2000). ‘Commercial Sexuality’. In: Bo Lewin (Ed) Sex in Sweden. On the Swedish Sexual Life. Stockholm: The National Institute of Public Health.

Månsson, Sven-Axel and Söderlind, Peder (2004). Sexindustrin på nätet. Aktörer, innehåll, relationer och ekonomiska flöden (The sex industry on the internet. Actors, contents, relations and economical torrents). Växjö: Égalité.

Svedin, Carl Göran and Priebe, Gisela (2004). Ungdomars sexualitet – attityder och erfarenheter. Avsnitt: Sexuell exploatering. Att sälja sex mot ersättning/pengar (Young people’s sexuality – attitudes and experiences. Section: Sexual exploitation. Selling sex for compensation/money). Lund: Avdelningen för Barn- och ungdomspsykiatri, OPUS-institutionen.

Sørensen, Anette Dina and Knudsen, Susanne V. (2006). Unge, køn og pornografi i Norden. Slutrapport (Youth, gender and pornography in the Nordic countries. Final report). Copenhagen: The Nordic Council of Ministers, ANP 2006:749.

Sørensen, Anette Dina and Kjørholt, Vigdis Saga (2006). Generation P? Et kvantitativt studie af nordiske unges forhold till pornografi (Generation P? A quantitative study about attitudes toward pornoghy among Nordic youth). In: Anette Dina Søresen and Susanne V. Knudsen (Eds) Unge, køn og pornografi i Norden. Kvantitativa studier (Youth, gender and pornography in the Nordic countries. Quantitative studies). Copenhagen: The Nordic Council of Ministers, Tema-Nord 2006:546.

Sørensen, Niels Ulrik (2006a). Bare billeder? – Kontruktion af køn, kroppe og seksualiteter i unge drenges brug af pornografi og mainstreamet pornografi (Only pictures? Constructions of gender, bodies and sexualities in young boys use of pornography and mainstreamed pornography). In: Anette Dina Søresen and Susanne V. Knudsen (Eds) Unge, køn og pornografi i Norden. Kvalitative studier (Youth, gender and pornography in the Nordic countries. Qualitative studies). Copenhagen: The Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2006:545.

Sørensen, Niels Ulrik (2006b). Krumspring for heteroseksualiteten. Når unge drenge støder på mandekroppe i massemedierna (Dodges for heterosexuality. When young boys encounter male bodies in the mass media), NIKKmagasin, pp. 13-15.

1. The researchers and their publications listed in References were Lecturer Guôbjørg Hildur Kolbeins, Iceland (Kolbeins 2006); Project Manager Anette Dina Sørensen, Denmark and Project Coordinator Vigdis Saga Kjørholt, Norway (Sørensen & Kjørholt 2006, Sørensen & Knudsen 2006, Kjørholt & Sørensen 2006a, Kjørholt & Sørensen 2006b); Ethnologist Bjørg Jacobsen and Midwife Karin Dahl, the Faroe Islands (Dahl & Jacobsen 2006); Associate Professor Willy Aagre and Assistant Professor Rønnaug Sørensen, Norway (Aagre 2006, Aagre & Sørensen 2006); Researcher Niels Ulrik Sørensen, Denmark (Sørensen 2006a, 2006b); Senior Researcher Lotta Löfgren-Mårtenson and Professor Sven-Axel Månsson, Sweden (Löfgren-Mårtenson & Månsson 2006a, 2006b, 2006c, 2006d, 2006e); Professor Jeff Hearn and Senior Researcher Marjut Jyrkinen, Finland (Hearn & Jyrkinen 2006a, 2006b), Senior Lecturer Anja Hirdman, Sweden (Hirdman 2006a, 2006b); Professor Susanne V. Knudsen, Norway (Knudsen 2006a, 2006b). Directors and coordinators of the project were Anette Dina Sørensen and Susanne V. Knudsen.

2. Thank you to Christian Graugaard who kindly allowed us to use the phrase Generation P from his article in EKKO (Graugaard 2004).

Generation P?

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