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In many ways this book is the result of a collective effort, and we wish to express our thanks to some of the many people who have helped us in our undertaking.

First, we would like to extend our gratitude to NIKK, Nordic Institute for Women’s Studies and Gender Research. Many of the contributions to this book emanate from the NIKK project on “Youth, gender and pornography in the Nordic countries” (2004-2006). We gratefully express our appreciation to NIKK for letting us freely use data collected within the project. Furthermore, without financial assistance from NIKK this anthology would probably never have been published. A special acknowledgement goes to director Solveig Bergman who so generously supported us in our effort.

Our other major debt is to Bruce Merlin and Roar Engh. To write in a foreign tongue can be an ordeal, but Bruce and Roar made that process less painful and improved the result considerably. Thanks!

A final acknowledgement is due to the following persons for reviewing the manuscripts of this book: Associate Professor Ning de Conick-Smith, Copenhagen; Dr. Kristian Daneback, Gøteborg; Professor Milton Diamond, Hawaii; Associate Professor Rune Gade, Copenhagen; Assistant Professor Brita Gulli, Tønsberg; Associate Professor Dag Heede, Odense; Dr. Charlotta Holmström, Malmø; Senior Lecturer Sara Johnsdotter, Malmø; Professor Don Kulick, New York; Professor Bo Lewin, Uppsala; Professor Michael W. Ross, Texas; Senior Lecturer Malin Elm Sveningsson, Karlstad and Professor Bente Træen, Tromsø.

Susanne V. Knudsen, Lotta Löfgren-Mårtenson and Sven-Axel Månsson

Copenhagen, Tønsberg and Malmø, October 2007

Generation P?

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