Читать книгу GenEthics and Religion - Группа авторов - Страница 25
Оглавление1 Giorgi A, Giorgi B: Phenomenology; in Smith JA (ed): Qualitative Psychology. A Practical Guide to Research Methods. London, Sage, 2003,pp 25-50.
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20 Rehmann-Sutter C: Genes in labs. Concepts of development and the standard environment. Philos Nat 2006;43: 49-73.
21 Rehmann-Sutter C: Genetics, a practical anthropology; in Düwell M, Rehmann-Sutter C, Mieth D (eds): The Contingent Nature of Life. Bioethics and the Limits of Human Existence. Dordrecht, Springer, 2008,pp 37-52.
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36 Scully JL, Rehmann-Sutter C: Creating donors: the 2005 Swiss law on donation of ‘spare’ embryos to hESC research. Bioethical Inquiry 2006;3: 81-93.
Christoph Rehmann-Sutter
Institute for the History of Medicine and Science Studies
University of Lübeck
Königsstrasse 42, DE-23552 Lübeck (Germany)
Tel. +49 451 7079 9810, E- Mail rehmann@imgwf.uni-luebeck.de