Читать книгу GenEthics and Religion - Группа авторов - Страница 5
ОглавлениеBeyond Playing God: Critical Religious GenEthics for Pluralistic Societies
Pfleiderer, G.; Brahier, G. (Basel); Lindpaintner, K. (Newark, Del.)
Foundations: Hermeneutic and Conceptional Reflections
Genes – Cells – Interpretations: What Hermeneutics Can Add to Genetics and to Bioethics
Rehmann-Sutter, C. (Lübeck)
Controversies about Human Dignity: Implications for Biotechnology
Childress, J.F. (Charlottesville, Va.)
The Function of Religion in GenEthical Debates: Critical Analyses
Engelhardt, Jr., H.T. (Houston, Tex.)
Eschewing Images of Man: Against Anthropological Reductionism in Bioethics
Graf, F.W. (Munich)
Children, Bodies, Life: Ethics as the Churches’ Biopolitics
Gehring, P. (Darmstadt)
Müller, H. (Basel)
Examining Constructive Efforts of Religious GenEthics (I): Christian Theological GenEthics
‘Biopower’ – Ethical and Theological Considerations
Mieth, D. (Erfurt)
First Sheep, Then Human Beings? Theological and Ethical Reflections on the Use of Gene Technology
Schockenhoff, E. (Freiburg)
Peters, T. (Berkeley, Calif.)
Examining Constructive Efforts of Religious GenEthics (II): Jewish, Islamic, and Buddhist GenEthics
The Jewish Perspective on GenEthics
Green, R.M. (Hanover, N.H.)
Human Genetic Technologies and Islamic Bioethics
Nor, S.N.M. (Kuala Lumpur)
Buddhism and Human Genome Research
Ratanakul, P. (Nakornpathom)