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ESWT Treatment of ONFH in SLE Patients


The standard methods for the treatment of patients with SLE usually included long-term corticosteroid. Patients with chronic corticosteroids therapy often caused the ONFH [24, 25]. In 2006, Lin et al. [26] showed a case report that ESWT was used effectively in the treatment of ONFH with SLE caused by corticosteroids therapy. The result showed pain score (score = 0) and Harris hip score (score = 100) of bilateral hips of ONFH, reduced bone marrow edema, and no progression. Collapse of the lesions was observed on MRI (Fig. 2). In a further study, 39 patients including 15 SLE (26 hips) and 24 non-SLE (29 hips) with ONFH were enrolled for ESWT (0.62 mJ/mm2; 6,000 impulses) treatment. The results showed that the therapeutic effects showed no difference in pain score (p = 0.467) and Harris hip score (p = 0.194) between SLE and non-SLE patients.

Shockwave Medicine

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