Читать книгу The Nursing Associate's Handbook of Clinical Skills - Группа авторов - Страница 166

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Observations charts may not include neurological changes in observations. Be aware that new confusion, drowsiness or being unresponsive is indicative of patient deterioration and should be escalated quickly.

 The drug chart (prescription chart) – Review the medications that the patient has been receiving. Are any of these related to the concern you have about the patient? If so, this should be mentioned in the escalation.

 The nursing assessment – An essential source of information about the patient’s past medical history, current diagnosis, allergies, nursing requirements and often patient preferences or concerns.

 Your assessment of the patient – Think about not only the clinical observations but what the patient looks like, sounds like, feels like and smells like. Sometimes, a patient can appear well in terms of their clinical observations but look very unwell. Signs and symptoms can often be more telling of deterioration than the clinical observations on their own.

The Nursing Associate's Handbook of Clinical Skills

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