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Making Coarse Solder from Composition Piping.


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—Good composition piping is made of nearly all tin, or an alloy of tin and lead, in which the former metal is in excess, and formerly was much used by plumbers in the making of coarse solder, as the material consisted of odd pieces of small value. As, however, a great deal of composition tubing is made out of old metals of which lead, tin, antimony, arsenic, and zinc form the alloy, it is not advisable to introduce it into solder. Should it be done, the melting point of the solder would be raised, and in applying it to the lead to be joined together, would probably partly melt it. Neither do the metals named alloy in a thorough manner, but partake more of the nature of a mixture in which the constituents partly separate when making the joints, and some, especially zinc, show as small bright lumps on the surface. Joints wiped with what is usually called “poisoned metal” are difficult to make, almost invariably leak when on water service pipes, and are dirty grey, instead of bright and clean. The zinc could be removed from the mixture by the method already given.

Soldering, Brazing and Welding

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