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ОглавлениеBánkuti, Miklós/Halmai, Gábor/Scheppele, Kim Lane (2012): Hungary’s Illiberal Turn: Disabling the Constitution. In: Journal of Democracy 23, 3, pp. 138-146.
Blumenstiel, Jan Eric (2014): Voter Fragmentation and the Differentiation of Vote Functions. In: Weßels, Bernard/Rattinger, Hans/Roßteutscher, Sigrid/Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger (eds.): Voters on the Move or on the Run? Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 17-39.
Canovan, Margarat (1999): Trust the People! Populism and the Two Faces of Democracy. In: Political Studies 47, 1, pp. 2-16.
Closa, Carlos/Kochenov, Dimitry (eds.) (2016): Reinforcing Rule of Law Oversight in the European Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
De Vries, Catherine (2017): The cosmopolitan-parochial divide: changing patterns of party and electoral competition in the Netherlands and beyond. In: Journal of European Public Policy. Electronic pre-publication at http://dx.doi.org.vunl.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/13501763.2017.1339730
Jonker, Ulko (2017): Hoe de goede populist won van de verkeerde. In: Het Financieele Dagblad, 18 March 2017.
Müller, Jan-Werner (2015a): Should the EU protect democracy and the rule of law inside member states? In: European Law Journal 21, 2, pp. 141-60.
Müller, Jan-Werner (2015b): Parsing populism: Who is and who is not a populist these days? In: Juncture 22, pp. 80-89.
Müller, Jan-Werner (2016): What is Populism? Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Rutte, Mark (2017): Aan alle Nederlanders. In: NRC Handelsblad, 22 January 2017.
Schlipphak, Bernd/Treib, Oliver (2017): Playing the blame game on Brussels: the domestic political effects of EU interventions against democratic backsliding. In: Journal of European Public Policy 24, 3, pp. 352-365.