Читать книгу Europeanisation and Renationalisation - Группа авторов - Страница 42

Sit-ins and occupation movements


Although the occupying of state-owned buildings by protesters was not a new phenomenon in Greece, it acquired new proportions during the crisis. Between 2005-2009 there had been frequent occupations of university buildings, during left-wing protests against the passage of university reforms. Starting in mid-2010, public sector employees began protesting salary cuts by occupying the headquarters of the Ministries of Finance, Development, Health and Labour, while Syriza and other left-wing party factions of students captured university buildings. In parallel, the communist-led labour union “All-Workers Militant Front” (PAME), which already before the crisis had split from the GSEE, periodically attained international publicity by occupying the Acropolis and the port of Piraeus.

Europeanisation and Renationalisation

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