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Faculty in schools of nursing continue to integrate the QSEN competencies, with the requisite KSAs, into curricula, and share innovative strategies for use in the classroom, simulation laboratories, and clinical settings. As of June 2016, Google Scholar indicated that the QSEN publication (Cronenwett et al., 2007) describing the QSEN initiative with the competencies and requisite KSAs had been cited in 684 publications. Many of the articles describe how the competencies are being demonstrated in innovative teaching strategies across programs and how outcomes are measured. The first edition of the current book (2012) received the American Journal of Nursing first place award for Leadership in 2013 and has been translated into Swedish, Korean, and Chinese.

Hundreds of articles and editorials have been written on the competencies and their implementation. Authors who have numerous QSEN publications include Gwen Sherwood, Mary Dolansky, Joanne Disch, Pam Ironside, Gail Armstrong, and Amy Barton. In addition to those previously published, a number of professional nursing journals published special topic issues on quality and safety and the QSEN project, including the following:

 Archives of Psychiatric Nursing: October 2012.

 Nursing Clinics of North America: September/October 2012.

 Journal of Professional Nursing: March/April 2013.

The home of QSEN has successfully transitioned from UNC at Chapel Hill to Francis Payne Bolten School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University. This includes the QSEN Institute, which is the annual meeting that serves as a focal dissemination point for educators, researchers, and increasingly clinicians to present the latest innovations in quality and safety; the QSEN website; and the consultation service for incorporating the QSEN competencies into nursing curricula.

Quality and Safety in Nursing

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