Читать книгу Active Electrical Distribution Network - Группа авторов - Страница 49

2.6.2 Constraints


1. Bus voltage limit:


2. Line limits:

The current flowing through any line (il) should not exceed the current limit of that line (ilmax).


3. Radiality:

To ensure the radiality, the following assessment parameters are being used

 The number of loops while closing all different switches must be:


Nb = total number of branches

Nbs = total number of buses

 Number of branches should be:


Nbs = number of buses

Ns = number of sources

 All the loads should get a supply every time of reconfiguration.

The use of heuristic approaches can reduce the complexity of the network reconfiguration problem. In this chapter, a heuristic approach has been used to solve network reconfiguration problems. The following points show the detail outlines of the used heuristic algorithm.

Active Electrical Distribution Network

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