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4.2 Home Automation System
ОглавлениеIn today’s life, we are very much comfortable to use wireless system, i.e., Wi-Fi. It is very much general for home network or public network system. Our traditional home system totally based on wired system. Every home appliances system such as light, fan, television, and refrigeration through connected wired system. A home automation system means controlling all home appliances through a Wi-Fi system which varying as per environment. Most of the traditional home electricity system based on wired and depends on inner building construction. To avoid this building and wiring cost, we can move toward an automated system based on Wi-Fi system to access the appliances from anywhere of the home as well as from the outside of the home also. An automated home electricity system defines as an automated one which not only accesses the electric devices for turn on and off even this system but also notifies about the status and internal condition of the system.
In India, most of the accident of electric appliances happened due to internal fault of wired system. In wired system, we have to maintain lots of control points. In most of the cases, the short falls happen from these control points. To avoid this type of accident, home automation system is one of the ways especially for those people who are aged and staying alone.
Home automation is a building automation for home. Home automation system will command or observe the home aspects such as various electrical appliances including lighting arrangements and entertainment systems. These automation devices are the essential parts of IoT. Centrally located server can control these automated systems, with proper internet connectivity and simultaneously the mobile-based applications also. Before getting into the details of home automation, let us take a closer look on IoT.
Automation means controlling several objects or tasks with minimum human labor. Home automation system using IoT refers to the way of operating our home appliances such as lights, fans, air conditioners, televisions, security, fire alarm, and many more appliances using our mobile phones, computers, or other gadgets through a connection to the internet. Several components are used to make such a model. Few of them are sensors, protocols, IoT clouds, and databases. We are making a primary list for significant components for the automation system.