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4.7 Data Flow Diagram
ОглавлениеThe workflow for the proposed work can be explained using the dataflow diagram described in Figure 4.3. A bidirectional network is established between mosquito server and IoT controller where data is continuously flowing and periodic update is taking place. The mosquito server is fed through IFTTT, whereas all the applets (including triggering applet) are given similar instructions by the same. Google Cloud Console is the heart of this total workflow, which always dynamically interacts with command interface. It also makes a bidirectional communication with IFTTT, console APIs, and search console. Console APIs receives and also sends commands to command APIs. Web results are retrieved from the search console. The transfer of data and different messages are schematically represented in the diagram given below (Figure 4.2).
Figure 4.3 Dataflow diagram for the message, command, and data transfer.