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4.6 Smart Informative and Command Accepting Interface


Passive Intelligence (PI) is a very important aspect in today’s world and makes a paradigm shift in view of industry initiatives for realizing smart environments. Everyday’s smart devices like smart bag, smart watch, and smart wallet provide that required heterogeneous intelligent interfaces along with other natural devices, and these together makes a complex computing scenario, which, thereafter, generates the vision of PI. The environment becomes respondent to each individual, and therefore, anyone can interact with the surrounding with 1:1 basis. Therefore, user-empowered smart environment can be generated using PI, which provides the required support to human for various interactions.

In this connection, it should be mentioned that the environment, interfaced with PI, may be the home (comfortable) or a distributed one. For the said purpose, different smart technologies are considered as per the demand. All these technologies are integrated with the environment, for the purpose of sensing and data processing. Networking is also an important phase of this integration in order to provide remote service and also of digital materials. The actual question comes to the embedding of all these smart devices, and here lies the real challenge of PI.

PI can be obtained at the home comfort when proper key technological fruits are perfectly blended with virus smart interfaces (programmable). For the purpose, several smart devices and appliances are invoked, and anyone can be considered as an interface with the real world. In this particular work, authors have tried and successfully implemented a mirror interface with proper incorporation of smart informative system, precisely to get smart home environment. This is depicted in Figure 4.2, embedded with Google Cloud Console. The console has an interface with API controller.

Figure 4.2 Command accepting interface.

The major objective of making a PI at the home is originated from the safety and security concern, associated with efficiency of the system along with convenience. Precisely, elderly people and people with physical disabilities required better attention, when other family members are absent. PI greatly influences not only home automation systems, but also socialization, communication, entertainment, refreshment, proper rest, and various physical activities like sports, working, online learning through MOOCs or in general YouTube videos.

Another aspect that will engage their footstep with these PI modules will be digital marketing. Henceforth, proper architecture should be considered for convenient and user-friendly PI design where both the technological advancement should be clubbed with home comfort and convenient for the residents.

Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

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