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2.3.5 Texturizing Agent


The role of texturizing agent as food additive is to modify the overall texture and mouthfeel of food. It includes emulsifier, thickener, stabilizer, and bulking agent.

 a. Emulsifier: It allows water and oil to mix together to form an emulsion. Naturally occurring emulsifying agent is lecithin, milk protein, and legume peotein. Emulsifiers are molecules having both hydrophobic and hydrophilic end.

 b. Thickener: It increases the viscosity of food without affecting other properties. Starch, albumen are used as thickener.

 c. Stabilizer: Its function is to stabilize the foodstuff structure. Gelatin, pectin, and alginate are used as stabilizer to stabilize the emulsion formed. These additives prevent separation of emulsion, suspension, and foam. They are used in frozen dessert to improve mouth feel. Some of the stabilizers are antioxidants, some are emulsifiers, some may be ultraviolet stabilizer, and some may be sequestrants.

 d. Bulking agent: It increases the bulk of food without upsetting the nutritional value. Starch is used as bulking agent [15, 16].

Other than these, phosphates are used as the meat binder in sausage and in processed cheese to get smooth consistency.

Food Chemistry

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