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3.2 Problem Recognition
Оглавление52% of the HR hunters accept that most typical part of the recruitment is accessing the worth of the right applicant for the right job from the pool of the applicants.
Finding the right candidate from the pool of resumes for the particular position is another tough job of avoiding the fitting of square into hole.
Once the employees are on the board, the next hard task is to let them fit in the profile with the adequate training and instructions.
To lead the employee throughout his career is also another difficult task, as a star employee may become the NPA without any obvious reason or may quit the organization without any specification. So, the retention also becomes the reclusive task.
Succession planning or the promotion may also become imperative for the right candidate, and HR sometimes may not judge the right talent and may lose the right talent by misfit promotion or posting.
Survey done by the Delottie (Figure 3.1) [2] found that most of the HR and employees waste their time in the different office activities like 82% of the time in paperwork, 79% in scheduling, 78% in timesheets, 69% in keeping the accounts of different activities, 60% in performing other HR functions, and 60% in emails.
Figure 3.1 The wastage of time in the duplication of work.
Note: It is showing the percentage of time wastage in the duplication of work. Source: Image courtesy of PWC Consumer Intelligence.
The study shows that such wastage of time in repetitive tasks can be eliminated and the saved time can be further invested in self-development and learning. The Figure 3.1 shows the findings of the research and the wastage of the time in the duplication of the low volume task and work.