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Gleick, J., 2011: The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood. New York, Pantheon Books.

Kohonen, T., 2001: Self-Organizing Maps. Berlin etc., Springer.

Meier, E., 2007: The Wood Database. http://www.wood-database.com/, By Woodworkers, For Woodworkers.

Schindler, C. and M. Salmerón Espinosa, 2011: ZipShape Mouldless Bending II – A Shift from Geometry to Experience in Respecting Fragile Place /29th eCAA De Conference Proceedings, Ljubljana 2011.

Shannon, C. E. and W. Weaver, 1949: The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urbana, University of Illinois Press.

Szeliski, R., 2011: Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications. London, Springer.

Wendykier, P. and J. G. Nagy, 2010: Parallel Colt: A High-Performance Java Library for Scientific Computing and Image Processing. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 37(3): 1-22.

Yoshida, H., 2012: Bridging Synthetic and Organic Materiality: Gradient Transitions in Material Connections. Biologically-Inspired Computing for the Arts: Scientific Data through Graphics, IGI Global: 81-88.

Rethinking Prototyping

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