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6 Conclusion


This research establishes the coordinated means by which aspects of material behaviour can be explored in forming complex textile hybrid structures. The critical consideration is in the priority of prototyping constructional and behavioural logics through physical form-finding. In the two cases between the meta- and meso-scale textile hybrid systems though there is a difference in the application of the physical prototype to further study. As applied to computational exploration through spring-based methods the prototype is referential to a series of topological, geometric and material descriptions. On the other hand, in furthering the design through FEM the initial physical prototype defines literal parameters of topology and geometry. The behaviour is then more accurately reformed by engaging real material values, internal pre-stresses and external forces.

Because of the complexities inherent in engaging material behaviour as a design agent, the architectures formed are often based upon repeating modules whose differentiation is shaped by a singular relation of material make-up to structural behaviour. With the development of the M1 a design framework is proposed, which allows for the development of a structurally continuous system that is based upon the alignment of multiple differentiated agents in material, force and geometric constraints.

Fig. 11 Textile Hybrid M1 at La Tour de l’Architecte in Monthoiron, France, 2012 (Ahlquist and Lienhard, 2012)


The research on bending-active structures was developed through a collaboration between the Institute for Computational Design (ICD) and the Institute for Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) at the University of Stuttgart. The research from the ITKE is supported within the funding directive BIONA by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The student team for the M1 Project was Markus Bernhard, David Cappo, Celeste Clayton, Oliver Kaertkemeyer, Hannah Kramer, Andreas Schoenbrunner. Funding of the M1 Project was provided by DVA Stiftung, The Serge Ferrari Group, Esmery Caron Structures, and Studiengeld zurück University of Stuttgart.

Rethinking Prototyping

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