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Thought As a Vibration


Repeatedly research has shown the mysterious yet powerful influence one’s mind can have over another. Even from prehistoric times, there were records of man exerting a strange and uncanny power over other people’s minds.

This influence had the ability to be either positive or negative and was in the hands of the person who used thought as a vibration. There have even been reports of certain individuals who are so in tune with their mind power that they have been able to alter the course of events and “bend” things with their mind.

Even now in the 21st century, this power is still lying untapped our minds, but unfortunately, most people are unable to harness it. Some people are far too complacent to realize where this power lies and how it can be used to the fullest extent.

Those who are ignorant to realize this phenomenon claim that mental energy does not exist, but in reality, the mind is a manifestation of energy which includes light, heat, magnetism, electricity, cohesion, gravitation, and much more. Naysayers refuse to accept that mental energy does not register vibrations of these lower forms.

They are so caught up in their materialistic conceptions that they look the other way and ignore facts which are inconsistent with their theory.

We are aware that the appropriate solution falls within the metaphysical realm and physical science validates the truths of its metaphysical sister science. Most scientists realize that within the realm of physical science, it must all begin at “Thought Transference”.

Physical science confirms that all types of underlying forms and evident variations in matter and energy hold within a manifestation of fundamental energy. This energy manifests itself in the form of “vibrations.”

Everything we know in the material world is in constant vibration, which is ever exhibiting a higher degree of kinesis. The absence of vibrations would negate the existence of this universe.

This can be seen even in the tiniest form of electronic corpuscles that are scientifically proven elements, which create an atom.

These atoms progress into molecules and eventually in the most complex forms of matter, as there is an everlasting vibration. Then through all forms of energy, magnetism, electricity, light, heat and all others, vibration is also perpetually constant.

In actuality, physical science points towards the fact that vibration is the primary force underlying and triggering various other forms of matter. It also teaches that the apparent variations between various types of matter and energy are caused exclusively by the fluctuating nuances of vibration manifested. Just as we hear the sound of a low tone through your ears, similarly, the high note is also differentiable.

These differences are merely created by the variations in the rate of vibration. Similarly, our eyes can clearly see the difference between dull red located on one side of the spectrum and violet on the other side. In between these colors came other colors such as orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo.

These disparities are created because of the varying rates of vibration. Concisely, all material and physical matter is eventually a manifestation of immeasurable and eternal energy, which facilitates progression and movement.

The fact is that these forces have always existed and just as they were uncovered, technology will one day create an instrument that can record the vibrations of thought. In line with thought as a vibration, there are even colors and sounds that the human eyes and ears cannot pick up because they are at different frequencies or wave lengths.

Only specific instruments can detect these colors and sounds. When it comes to our sense of touch, there are waves of electricity that pass through the human body, yet we are unaware of this energy, which can power electric lights.

The renowned Professor Elisha Gary, who is an established teacher and scientist, states that “There is much ground for speculation since there is the existence of sound waves and light waves which no human can detect.

The seemingly endless space between forty thousand to four trillion vibrations per second and the range outside ninety trillion vibrations per second, where light does not travel within the realm of motion, makes room for speculation.

So you can see that vibration is backed by scientific theory, and there are countless scientific explanations of the mental influence that is present.

There is one universal truth that manifests itself in all realms, whether it is the mental, spiritual, or physical, all these manifestations work in harmony and agreement.

So there is no need for a mentalist to fear the area of physical science, or for a spiritualist to fear the demesne of mental theory because these phases are all variations of one phase.

We can now establish that vibration underlies all forms of energy and matter. The confirmation of distinguished scientists furthers the idea that vibrations respond to each other in all manifestation of matter and energy.

This indicates that we have the ability to use our mind as a vibration and alter the course of our future. When all the right vibrations start to work in unison, they can become an unstoppable force, which can travel the speed of light and beyond. This force can open the doors of success and help us achieve whatever we want in life.

How to Attract Wealth and Abundance: The Power of Universal Law and Positive Thinking

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