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Mental Attitude


By now you know that most every decision you make or any occurrence you go through in life has to do with your mental attitude. A positive attitude is a very handy tool to have, but it is not everything. You have to understand the distinctions between different mental attitudes and practices the ones that best fit you.

Now it is no surprise that a bad attitude will most probably not get you what you want and a good attitude will. Now in terms of yourself, this is quite self explanatory, but in terms of how your mental attitude affects others, this is key.

If you have a bad attitude other people will probably not like you. And like the law of attraction states, negative energy attracts negative energy and positive energy attracts positive energy.

If for instance you are good to your siblings and to your cousins, when they meet you, they will be happy. But if you are constantly angry or treat someone badly, they will not be happy to see you and will be emitting negative energy towards you.

The greatest loss you can occur is losing positive people and positive things. It is important that you keep yourself in a good and happy place so that everything that is of value to you stays within your reach. Now it is normal to have bad days, in which you may snap at someone or stay unnecessarily angry, this can be forgiven if it does not happen constantly, because a bad attitude can be fixed. You need to be willing to change your attitude and open yourself up to positive energy.

Choosing to be optimistic instead of pessimistic, seeing the glass as half-full instead of half-empty, makes a difference in how you approach life and how you proceed down the path to success.

There are always two ways to look at something, just like there are always two sides to a story. A pessimist focuses on the negative aspects of an event and pushes those forward, past positive aspects.

An optimist pushes forward the positive energy and positive aspects of an event. A good example of pessimism and optimism is in a poem that a poet once wrote, “Two men looked out from prison bars, one saw mud, the other saw stars”.

The people who see positivity in every event will always be drawn to the more positive aspects than negative in every situation.

Now, when faced with an obstacle, many people tend to focus on the problem. Your mind automatically clings to the negative energy if you are a pessimist.

For example, if you are unhappy at work, you complain. People do not understand that the fact that they have a job is positive and the fact that they can provide for themselves through working is positive.

Now of course other factors come into play, but the general idea of having a job is more positive than negative. It is hard and it takes courage to pull yourself out of a pessimistic situation and to push yourself above it.

When you are close to a problem, you need to stay objective and keep in mind that you have options and choices to help you overcome the problem. Pessimism blurs your vision, and does not allow you to see a clear picture of the situation. It is like a see-saw almost.

More weight on one side will weigh the see-side down on only one side. It is important to be open to both sides of the occurrence so you can make a decision which will help you move forward.

Cynicism versus idealism is another mental competition that takes place. When you are cynical, you are constantly focusing on the negative aspects of an event and are emitting your own negativity onto it. Cynicism creates severe distrust in yourself, in others, and in the environment, and will not help you move forward at all.

To face the world with a cynical view will make you take for granted all that is wonderful and good in this world.

You do not appreciate the things in life that you should and basically go through life blind to goodness. On the other hand you have idealism. Idealists always look at positive solutions to difficult problems.

Today, idealists have a negative connotation because people do not believe that their solutions are attainable. The truth is that those who believe idealists cannot bring attainable solutions to the table because they have high expectations are wrong. Idealists push the bill and shoot for the starts. We, who do not believe them, are the ones who limit ourselves to our “realistic” boundaries.

Realistically we believe that we are limited because naturally we cannot have everything we want, but that is not true. Naturally the universe’s powers are limitless and so are the powers within ourselves. It is just about how much power we want to emit and use while we live our lives.

So, besides daily positive reinforcements, there are other ways to keep your mental attitude positive. If for instance you are waiting at an airport for your flight, and you find that your flight is delayed for another hour, you may feel angry and upset.

You may even go to the airline counter and yell at someone, but the truth of the matter is, what you are doing is counterproductive and hurtful to yourself and others. Stressing yourself out can not only mentally make you frustrated, but it can physically cause you harm with high blood pressure and even heart related diseases.

What you should do when in these situations is look at the positive. What is positive is that you now have an hour of spare time and so you can get to something that you may not have finished. Finish up a report that you need to or read a book that you need to finish.

Use your time wisely to improve your knowledge and character. If you waste an hour that you have, that is your fault, and not anyone else’s fault, so take delays as blessings and do the things you may not have had a chance to do before.

The idea of positive mental energy was first talked about by Napoleon Hill in one of his publications. He believed in the power of positive mental attitude so much that he correlated success and achievement to positive attitude.

He fully believed that optimism was the key to success and that natural goodness would be attracted to people who were mentally positive.

By being positive, he said, you open doors to positive choices, outcomes, and options to reach positive circumstances. Optimism will always reject negativity and the idea of no hope.

According to Napoleon Hill, you must self-talk and reassure yourself of all positive aspects of an event. When you are mentally happy and open, you can change the environment around you to suit your feelings and needs.

Natural energy is good energy and can be drawn to your positive energy. Creating an environment where you are in unison with the universe will only bring about positive occurrences.

How to Attract Wealth and Abundance: The Power of Universal Law and Positive Thinking

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