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Improve Your Brain Power


Before you can begin the thinking process, you must have something to think about. Whether it is the rising sun on the horizon, the sound of waves crashing against the rocky shore, the faint yet tantalizing aroma of a jasmine flower, or the soft touch of satin on your skin, they are all pictures that helps you create mental images.

This process is also known as “the content of the consciousness,” according to scholastic psychologists. There are millions of facts or truths that create a mental stock in trade, or something to think about. These thoughts are produced in tandem with the five senses we have.

All these thoughts become part of our memory in the end, as we are associated with them increasingly. However, memory alone is not enough because we must associate, contrast, compare, and analyze the entire spectrum of memories from the “content of consciousness.”

This content makes all memories a large mass of images which are interconnected and they can all be accessed through the sovereign power, your “will.” Therefore, it is essential that we associate all these memories through the “power of association” because this is what truly makes a brilliant mind.

Imagination and judgment also have a lot to do with enhancing your mind since retentive memory and the power of association are of great value, but only when they are combined with your imagination.

Imagination is solely the power to amalgamate specific memories in such a manner that the combination is unique. Imagination is a power the human mind has which is of infinite importance.

Every achievement, invention created, successful business, novel written, was not conceived without imagination. It is imagination where all these great accomplishments took birth before they became reality and came into existence.

Concentration also has a prime role to play in order to successfully accomplish all the facilities written above. It is integral for the mind to be fully engaged on that one thought. In order to achieve something with the best-desired results, our mind has to focus on it solely, without any hindrance or distraction at the time.

This has been proven repeatedly by various researches. When you focus the mind on one goal, this process is known as the “power of attention.” This power of attention is so important that no goal can successfully be achieved without it and consequently, the power of your mind cannot be increased to any degree without concentration.

How to Attract Wealth and Abundance: The Power of Universal Law and Positive Thinking

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