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– What’s in the message, Hans?

– Spaceship “Trailblazer-60/90” on our course, sir. Crew consists of Sheila Rodriguez and Milla Schneider. They’re greeting us warmly, sir, and inviting on board for a friendly visit.

– Don’t rush to answer, Hans! It could be a trap. You know we mustn’t leave the ship. Have they sent their photos?

– Sure, sir. They are cute…

– Not bad, not bad at all, if only these are their photos, Hans…

– Perhaps instead of visiting them, we can invite them to our den, that is, to our ship, sir?

– And this could be, on their part, a “Trojan horse” ploy. In this case, “Trojan mares” ploy. In space, this concern is especially acute, what I’m trying to say, the need for vigilance and caution comes to the fore. We’re in a different galaxy, you know, Hans, not just somewhere!

– So, what should I answer, sir?

– That’s the question, Hans! To be or not to be there! The classic situation of fifty-fifty. What would you do in this case? What were you taught at the Academy?

– Follow the charter, sir!

– What does the charter read Hans?

– “Report the problem to the base, transfer the decision to the higher command, monitor the situation and wait for orders”.

– You are right, well done!

– Serving the System, sir!

– And the System is proud of you, Hans! But we’ll go further and use this opportunity for a surprise training! I am giving an introduction: we will test a decision-making model with faulty communication! In other words, we will model a situation when it is impossible to convey the decision to the higher level and receive instructions from them.

– Haven’t got you, sir.

– I say, turn off the transmitter, shut off the engines, Hans! Let’s visit the chicks! Go fetch some champagne! I believe there are some bottles left!

– Yes, sir! But who will guard the ship?

– Have we run out of robots, Hans? Put our Navigator in charge! That’s part of the drill too.

– Will do, sir!

Windows of Opportunities

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