Читать книгу Celtic Moon Signs: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Zodiac Can Transform Your Life - Helena Paterson - Страница 26



The druids also closely observed Vega and the Lyra constellation, and as a navigational aid it was believed to control the seas. Lyra was known as ‘Telyn Idris’ or Arthur’s Harp in a Welsh star myth, and Vega is aligned to several major stone circles in the British Isles and marked the return of the Sun gods at the Winter Solstice. The solstices were marked by the rising and setting of Vega, Capella and Sirius, and were therefore three of the most important stars in the sky. Their Sun gods were identified with the Birch Tree sign in the same degrees of Capricorn where Vega is located and it symbolized the beautiful soul of the White Stag.

Celtic Moon Signs: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Zodiac Can Transform Your Life

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