Читать книгу Celtic Moon Signs: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Zodiac Can Transform Your Life - Helena Paterson - Страница 42



Polarity signs represent another projection of the personality and character that brings greater self-awareness and personal growth. Opposites are highly attractive to one another, because a relationship can reciprocally increase personal strengths and cancel out any weaknesses. Basically, it acts like a mutual support system, but there is a higher level of human and universal chemistry associated with polarities that has always been used in ancient magical rituals for reconciling opposite forces or elements. The ancient Greek symbol of the mercurial caduceus – two snakes entwined around a wand – represents two opposing forces now in harmony and balance, and is associated with the Geminian sign of the Twins – a fundamental duality found in every aspect of life that needs to be reunited in order to form the sacred ‘One’ or whole, which means being healthy and complete.

In Celtic astrology your polarity is the fire festival of Lammas or Lughnasa, celebrated on the first day of August – the time of reaping. While Brigantia symbolizes the time of sowing, on a personal level it is associated with expectations rather than achievement. You are therefore identified with scattering the seeds of new ideas, but at some stage in your life there should come a time when you will reap what you have sown. This is fundamentally a crucial stage of all human development which has much wider implications. For you it can mean fulfilling your true potential, but it all depends on the nature of those seeds.

In Sun sign astrology your polarity sign is Leo, ruled by the Sun, and it shows that your leadership potential should be more openly expressed. You are perhaps content to sit back and not get too personally involved in matters that you really care about. Aquarians are inclined to join groups and private clubs, but they dislike losing their individuality in a concerted team effort. Leos know how to work as a team and they are good organizers and leaders. Your success in life could be transformed by adopting their more direct approach, and for some of you this may have already occurred.

If, however, a personal relationship is not formed, people born under your polarity sign will have a habit of crossing your path at critical moments in your life as if to bring to your attention an alternative route or option that you might not have considered. You will find that what is currently ‘a situation’ in their life is very similar to the one in yours. As polar opposites any ups and downs affect both signs.

Celtic Moon Signs: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Zodiac Can Transform Your Life

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