Читать книгу Celtic Moon Signs: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Zodiac Can Transform Your Life - Helena Paterson - Страница 36



Celtic prophecies relating to the stars of Capricorn are directed to people born under the Birch Tree sign. They are found in the myths of Taliesin (Sun) and his mother, the great Ceridwen (Moon), and reveal a number of obscure but intriguing predictions. Apparently the friendship and support of women was said to increase your personal strength and power. Women, generally, were considered highly influential for good or evil. Taliesin transformed himself into many different creatures in order to escape the anger of Ceridwen who had been tricked into conceiving him, but he eventually succeeds in becoming a god of light.

Her first-born son, Avagddu, or Black Wings, was supposed to receive the great gift of wisdom and knowledge from one of her magical brews, but instead Taliesin accidentally tasted it. So the dark twin Avagddu, who was considered very ugly, had to be content with his mother’s love and protection, while radiant Taliesin excelled and had a very fulfilling life even though he was always looking back over his shoulder wondering if fate would strike him down. This may be highly relevant if you are the second-born child in your family. If you are an only child you may have difficulty escaping from parental influence or dominance.

The power of free will, however, formed the core or seed potential associated with this sign and its strength can totally transform your very existence for a more fulfilling life.

Celtic Moon Signs: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Zodiac Can Transform Your Life

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