Читать книгу Celtic Moon Signs: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Zodiac Can Transform Your Life - Helena Paterson - Страница 33



The druids associated Vega with healing and were said to make pentacles at this time of year for healing old wounds, because it represented the personal and magical power of their Sun gods. They warned against lending money to false friends and that wounds from battles would never heal if fighting unjust causes. They predicated loss of life and goods if making journeys by water at this time of year, which was generally said to be very hazardous while the strength of the Sun was still weak. They further predicted that marriages could bring prosperity or disaster. The watery or Neptunian influence associated with Vega was considered a fortunate influence overall because it promoted the arts and learning as well as encouraging self-sacrifices that benefited the soul. It was nevertheless also associated with drunken behaviour that attracted fateful encounters.

Celtic Moon Signs: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Zodiac Can Transform Your Life

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